I found Adriana through my E-women networking group. I am recently going through a divorce and it was perfect timing.  Her book “Your Breakdown Is Your Breakthrough” was very inspiring and it changed the way I saw the situation I was in and helped me through one of the hardest seasons of my life. I had the opportunity to have a couple consultations with her via Zoom and they were LIFE CHANGING! She was very flexible and worked around my schedule and the zoom meeting was very comfortable and she made me feel very safe and cared for.

Thank you so much Adriana for all that you do!

Leigha Heath

Adriana is an incredibly powerful coach who coaches from the heart and from real experience. She is an exemplary role model to this community and lives her own life in courage and guidance.

One big thing that stands out in Adriana is that she is the real deal. Her lifestyle is based on her teachings to her dear clients.

I highly recommend Adriana as your coach. She will empower you and guide you in your perfect path.

Kathy Namvar
Spiritual Life Coach

“My time with Adriana has been completely transformational. In our work together, I have gained a deep understanding and clearing of my old patterns and judgements and have recreated an entirely new platform in which I live my life. The platform starts from an authentic soul connection. This work has greatly improved the relationships in my life and has made room for me to create my future.”


EvieSullivan“My 11-session-long journey with Adriana was life changing. She’s a very skilled coach who picked up what’s really in my way to reach my highest potential and helped me to remove the blockages. Today, I feel more confident, more alive and ready to continue my journey with ease and grace. Adriana is a serious life coach who operates with kindness, warmth and understanding. I highly recommend her!”

Evie Sullivan

JoyceAvernaAdriana is a masterful coach!! I have worked with her both privately and in a group setting, and I am so impressed by her skill to address each person’s situation in a unique and personal way. And while the situation may be totally different from mine, I get benefit from it as well! At times, I’ve needed support in between our meetings and Adriana has always been there. She clearly has a talent and love for her work. She is caring and nurturing, but she will tell you the truth and get to the heart of the matter. Life is too short — no wasting time here! Working with Adriana will be the best money you’ve ever spent on yourself. Whether you’re looking for love, to advance your career, to balance work and family, or simply to find inner peace, Adriana will take you there in a fun, loving and unique way. I have had the opportunity to work with a number of life coaches — she is truly a STAR!! I love her and have already recommended her to many of my friends. She is absolutely THE BEST!!”

Joyce Averna

Andrea Pack“Adriana is an amazing coach. She has a huge heart and is a powerful, guiding light to all those who have the privilege of knowing her. I feel extremely blessed to not only have received her gifts, but to also have the honor of calling her my true soul friend. Her support, wisdom and guidance in my life has been empowering and transformative.

Adriana will lead you  home to your true self and she stands for nothing less than you owning your power, gifts and greatness. She is extremely gifted at what she does. One of her many gifts is her ability to effortlessly see your truth and lovingly reflect it back to you, inviting you to stand forward in alignment with who you truly are.

Adriana is intuitive, wise and the embodiment of a powerful, Divine Goddess. I highly recommend this inspiring woman to anyone ready to step into their full power and potential in life!”

Andrea Pack
Life Coach

noushinbayat“Receiving Adriana’s masterful coaching has been and continues to be life changing for me. She provides an incredibly safe and compassionate space that honors all of me, and fiercely helps me see and own and transform limiting patterns and behaviors.

Before working with Adriana, I didn’t know how much I needed the presence of a powerful feminine role model as a partner by my side. She continues to show me what authentic compassionate power really looks like and feels like. I highly recommend working with this powerhouse of love in action.”

Noushin Bayat
Leadership Coach and Consultant

yesenia“Rewind four months ago, and I was the woman who, despite loving her profession, was at the point of burnt out, and feeling unfulfilled and disappointed with some aspects of her personal life. I knew I needed to do something to change this. I prayed about it.

On August 19th of this year, my life did an amazing 180 degree turn when I meet Adriana. From the first session, she helped me clarify my true hearts desires, and laid the plan to achieving them in a simple step by step fashion. She repeatedly brought me back to the things that mattered and focused on my strengths and dreams, helping me to stay on track, and empowered me to reach beyond myself. She helped me to discover and heal limiting beliefs holding me back, identify my authentic purpose and truth, find peace and harmonize every area of my life.

My life is more in alignment than it has ever before. Every session with Adriana is an awakening for me. Her wisdom, expertise, and insight have been a true blessing to me.”

Yesenia Valdez
Clinical Therapist

“Adriana is purely a gift to anyone who comes in contact with her, and whats to connect with their true power and inner strength.

Adriana’s energy and guidance in such a short time has influenced me to focus on the positives and dreams that have always driven me, but somehow in recent years displaced.

Her attention and trust has led me to thinking clearer and only towards the goals I set for myself.

Hearing Adriana’s words of wisdom are a true joy and greatly appreciated.”

Gregg Miller

Three years ago, Adriana helped me discover myself, the guy I’d been running from my entire life. It was life-changing and remains so today. In a very short time, we were able to identify and disregard entrenched habits that were preventing me from realizing the inner calm, contentment, and joy I experience today.

I never knew I could love this deeply, without fear. The adage; after a while the sex fades, couldn’t be further from the truth once you learn to fully accept and honor who you truly are. It may sound silly, but I genuinely love my own company, and that appreciation of self has attracted a new level of amazing people into my life.

Medically, spiritually, and emotionally speaking, Adriana is cool AF.

Gil Junger

“Its amazing what you can do when you are matched with the right coach…and that for me was Adriana.

We worked closely together for a year while I set my intentions and we made them clear for us both and developed action plans while she helped guide my souls life path in the direction that I was so so very afraid to take but knew I needed too. She is an amazing caring kind and accountable coach who gently pushes you to grow yourself and get out of that comfort zone that is holding you back. I will forever be grateful for her help and support during my time of fear. Adriana this is your gift and any client that works with you is truly lucky to have you. Thousand angels by your side with Adriana :)”


I absolutely adore my coach, Adriana! She is caring, intuitive, and I’ll even say coach / matchmaker all in one! Her guidance and encouragement allowed me to open the doors of my life… let go of the past that was holding me back… and let in a beautiful, committed, romantic relationship with the most wonderful man I could have ever imagined. She is spot-on with exactly what I need to hear at exactly the right time. Coaching with Adriana has given me the courage to speak my truth, to ask for what I want, and to manifest love. She is a blessing in my life and our work together continues… because with her, everything truly is possible!

Joyce Averna


Being a part of one of Adriana’s workshops was a very healing experience for me. Adriana helped me to find the way to improve my relationship with my self, and as a reflection of that, to create more loving and healthy relationships with others. At the end of the workshop, I was loving myself more than ever and felt very motivated to keep using the tools I that learned.

Loola Mora
Yoga -Life Coach

Working with Adriana was LIFE CHANGING!! I have done a lot of transformational work and worked with other coaches in the past but the work I did with Adriana was by far the most impactful. I truly stepped into my woman. I now stand in my worth, I set boundaries and I show up as a powerful leader. I have stopped people pleasing and settling for less in my relationships in all areas of my life. Working with Adriana was such a gift because she genuinely cares about you and goes above and beyond for her clients. I always felt so heard, safe and understood. Adriana took me out of my comfort zone so I could heal my blindspots and move through them. I loved every minute of working with Adriana and looked forward to our sessions every week- it was my highlight of my week!!! 

Onalee Makam