How do you claim your authentic voice?

How do you claim your authentic voice?

How do you know when you’re really speaking your authentic voice? I’m talking about the voice that comes naturally from your core and that you can hear loud and clear because it comes from your deepest level of truth.   It took me years to realize...

Busting The Myths Of Motherhood.

Busting The Myths Of Motherhood.

There are a lot of myths about what a woman should become after having children. In fact, just yesterday at the gym, I was having a conversation with another mom, and I asked her: “What do you want next in your life?”   She is a single mom with two...

5 Tips For Getting Along With Your Ex

5 Tips For Getting Along With Your Ex

(This post was published on Huffington Post.) Dear Single Mom, While you might not have the perfect relationship with your Ex, one thing you certainly CAN have is peace of mind. From my own experience, I can tell you, You are NOT at the mercy of your Ex. He doesn’t...

Find Your Gifts..

Being a mom is hard enough, especially when we have to deal with other challenges in our everyday life. Staying present with our kids is not always easy to do. It is possible, but it takes awareness and a lot of unconditional love. The question is: Do you take care of...

Say Yes to You!

I hear women say no to themselves a lot. No to self-care, no to personal growth, no to taking the next step. Usually the excuse is no time or no money. Behind that sort of excuse is usually fear of change. A fear that comes from not believing that we can actually go...

Stay on Your Path

Re-posted from the Women Heal The World Facebook Group Stay on your path no matter what! That is my intention for today. Even if life seems difficult at times and we fall into self-doubt and negativity, we can always choose to talk ourselves out of it. The best way to...